City of Buffalo Real Property Information
At a cost of $3,000,000 a revaluation was implemented for the 2020 assessment roll. |
The new assessments had a Coefficient of Dispersion of 28%. The 28% Coefficient |
of Dispersion compares the new assessed value with the sale price for the 2019-2020 sales. |
Half of the parcels (50%) were inaccurately/unequitablly assessed by a MINIMUM of 28%. |
NYS guidelines, for high population density municipalities, suggest that the |
Coefficient of Dispersion be less than 15%. You are encouraged to review the |
sales for your property and file a grievance if you are over assessed. |
Revaluation Studies: |
TSL co., Inc. software can assist the property owner in determining a fair and equitable assessment. |
The assessment, sales and inventory data from the 2024 final assessment roll was obtained under the |
Freedom of Information Act and loaded to our web site for your use. Our software will help you |
challange your assessment at grievance by finding comparable sales for you to select. Click link below |
for the NYS booklet to assist the property owner in determining Fair Market Value. |
The new 2025 tentative assessments will be loaded onto our web site as soon as possible. |
The grievance form RP-524 may ONLY be filed during the month of December and will be available |
at the assessor's office or can be printed via New York State web site using the link below. |